On a snowy Christmas Eve, former mild-mannered college student Casey Smallwood is released from prison after serving 10 years for underage drinking. Eager to get out of town, he hops on the express train to Washington, D.C., but after the holiday express takes off into the winter wilderness, it’s hijacked by an angry gang of domestic terrorists and highly-intelligent, government-trained raccoons! Not one to back down from a raccoon fight, Casey joins forces with a porter on the train to fight the terrorists, help bring down a top secret, raccoon-controlled, military laser satellite and show those raccoons who’s in charge!至于是不是真的老实,因为清楚她的底蕴,所以云青萱是丝毫不在意的。199电影网免费提供,剧情片《浣熊杀手黑暗圣诞节》全集高清完整版在线观看服务。